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10 Tips To Improve Motorcycle Fuel Economy

10 Tips To Improve Motorcycle Fuel Economy

What is Motorcycle Fuel Economy?

In simple terms, motorcycle gas mileage tells you how far your motorcycle can travel per amount of fuel.

As the cost of fuel continues to rise, many motorcyclists are looking for ways to improve their fuel economy. While there are many factors that can affect fuel economy, such as the type of motorcycle you ride, the way you ride, and the conditions in which you ride, there are a few things you can do to help improve your mileage.

Here are 10 tips to help improve motorcycle fuel economy:

1. Keep your motorcycle in good condition. A well-maintained motorcycle will run more efficiently and get better gas mileage. Make sure to keep your tires properly inflated, your chain lubricated, and your oil changed regularly. 2. Avoid jackrabbit starts and stops. Accelerating and braking hard can waste fuel. Try to accelerate and brake smoothly and gradually. 3. Ride at a steady speed. The faster you ride, the more fuel you will use. Try to maintain a steady speed, especially on the highway. 4. Use cruise control. If your motorcycle has cruise control, use it. Cruise control can help you maintain a steady speed and improve your fuel economy. 5. Avoid riding in traffic. Sitting in traffic can waste fuel. If possible, try to avoid riding in traffic during peak hours. 6. Use the right gear. Riding in the wrong gear can waste fuel. Make sure to use the correct gear for the conditions in which you are riding. 7. Carry less weight. The more weight you carry on your motorcycle, the more fuel you will use. Try to pack light when you are going on a trip. 8. Use fuel additives. Fuel additives can help improve fuel economy. There are a variety of fuel additives on the market, so be sure to do your research before you choose one. 9. Get a fuel-efficient motorcycle. If you are in the market for a new motorcycle, consider getting one that is fuel-efficient. There are a number of fuel-efficient motorcycles on the market, so you should be able to find one that fits your needs. 10. Ride less. The best way to improve your motorcycle fuel economy is to ride less. If you can, try to carpool, take public transportation, or walk instead of riding your motorcycle.
