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Fizz Counter

Find the Best Fizz Counter Champion Using Win Rate and GD15

How to Counter Fizz in LoL Patch 1412

Facing off against the slippery Fizz in League of Legends can be a daunting task. To help you gain an edge, we've analyzed millions of matches to identify the best counter picks based on win rate and GD15.

Champion Stats and Win Rates

Our data shows that the following champions have the highest win rates against Fizz:

  • Zed: 54% win rate
  • Nocturne: 52% win rate
  • Katarina: 51% win rate

GD15 and Early Game Dominance

GD15 refers to the gold difference at 15 minutes into the match. Champions with a high GD15 against Fizz indicate their ability to establish an early lead and outpace him in farm and experience.

The following champions have the highest GD15 against Fizz:

  • Annie: 350 gold GD15
  • Pantheon: 280 gold GD15
  • Akali: 260 gold GD15

Counterplay Tips

In addition to picking a strong counter champion, here are some tips to counter Fizz effectively:

  • Deny his mobility: Fizz relies on his E (Trident) for mobility and engage. Use abilities that root or stun him to limit his movement.
  • Focus on wave clear: Fizz can easily push waves with his W (Seastone Trident). Prioritize wave clear to prevent him from roaming and setting up ganks.
  • Build magic resistance: Fizz deals mostly magic damage. Itemize with magic resistance items, such as Banshee's Veil or Abyssal Mask, to reduce his burst potential.

By following these tips and choosing the right counter champion, you can increase your chances of victory against Fizz in LoL Patch 1412.
